Add Your Community

Follow these steps to add your tech community to TechHubsAr

  1. 1Fork the TechHubsAr repository on GitHub.
  2. 2Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
  3. 3Create a new branch for your changes.
  4. 4Take the template from "community.example.json", duplicate it and add your communtiy information.
  5. 5Add the new community information to the /data/communities.json JSON file.
  6. 6Place your community json on `/public/data/communities`
  7. 7Commit your changes and push to your forked repository.
  8. 8Create a Pull Request (PR) from your fork to the main TechHubsAr repository.

For more detailed instructions and to access the repository, please visit our GitHub page:

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